oktober 17, 2008

The Empress

Nogle gange er det sjovt at ta' en test. Og nogle gange er de tests så underlige, at man bare MÅ prøve. Sådan a la "Hvilken ost er du" eller "Hvilket dyr er du".

Jeg har nu fundet ud af, hvilket Tarot-kort jeg er. Og da jeg kender til Tarot, så var jeg lidt nervøs... men hæhæ... jeg blev glædeligt overrasket.

You are The Empress
Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.

The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents, beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.

The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love.

Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.

Ikke så tosset *S*

Især ikke, da jeg er astrologisk vægt med Venus som soltegn i det 7. Hus, hvor der også befinder sig 4 andre tegn - huset for leg, lethed, skønhed, kreativitet, erotik, kærlighed og venskab.

Nogle gange ser det ud som om visse ting hænger sammen... eller hva'?

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