februar 26, 2012

Secret Give Away... on it's way

Always time for a celebration, right?
(dansk udgave af dette indlæg - se forrige post)

I'm rearranging "stuff" here in my tiny flat and believe me - things don't look good right now.
Fabric everywhere. Boxes, bags and weird stuff like electric cords, old yarn and whatnot everywhere.
You don't believe me?
Here's a peak:

Notice the cupboards to the right? Empty. Shelves not put back since I had to paint the wall behind them. Yep - I'm not skipping corners. Some people paint around their furniture. I'm not one of those, although I thought about it a LOT! hehehe...

Here's the thing: In some of these boxes and a few other, that I'm NOT going to show you - I found a lot of my UFO's. They live sad lives here and rarely see the sun, poor things.
So I took a break and sat down and cuddled them.
I did!
After all it's sunday and you need to cuddle fabric once in a while.
It keeps you sane.

I'm not really into finishing things. I have accepted a long time ago that I'm a 95% initiator/starter/beginner, so finishing things is hard for me..HARD! But there on the sofa surrounded by my ufo's I decided to finish one of them.
I'll repeat:


(writing this gives me the shivers, honestly!)

YOU can help me decide which one I shall finish.

I picked out 5 of my UFO's that are not only almost finished but also CAN be finished before... summer. This year, that is.

I will post pics of each UFO 5 days in a row.
Every day I will ask you a question about that ufo - what to do, which border, how to quilt etc.
If you post a comment on one post you'll get one ticket in my secret give away.
If you post a comment on two posts you'll get two tickets in my secret give away
If you post a comment on all 5 posts you'll get 5 tickets in my secret give away.

I don't ask you to become a follower (but you are welcome to!)
I don't ask you to go to someone else's blog and comment, and return and.. and.... just stay here:-)
I don't ask you to blog about this (but you are welcome to!)

All I ask you to do is to answer my question about each quilt top - and help me decide which UFO I shall finish. It's hard for me, you know. I need your advice.

You can do it.

For all your hard work and good advices I have prices for you.
Lots of prices. Well, 5 of them;-)
Nice prices.
Books, yarns, fabrics. Lots of fabrics. Different styles of fabric. Modern, batiks, 30'ies reproduction, Kaffe Fassett, Martinique, Denyse Schmidt. Fat quarters. Lots of them.
And I'll send it to you no matter where you live. Alaska, Ukraine, Japan - you are all welcome to participate:-)

But you won't see what the prices are. This give away is a secret one.
I will not post any photos of the prices you can win. Or describe them in more words than I already did. And you cannot bribe me or force me in any way to reveal anything.

After all - you are here to help me decide which UFO to finish, right?
And not just here to win gorgeous prices, right??? (well, that should probably keep some away *lol*)

I knew that.
Quilters are the nicest people I know;-)
I of course - am not. If I was as nice as you are this give away would be like any other give away where you are not supposed to WORK for prices you don't even know what are.
But thats me. I like to have fun like that;-)

Tuesday Feb. 28th - I'll show you the first ufo and ask your opinion.
Saturday March 3rd I'll show you the last ufo.
You can comment on all five posts til sunday, March 4th.

Monday March 5th - I'll announce the winning UFO - AND reveal pictures of the great prices as well as the names of the lucky 5 winners!

And now I'm off.
This ironingboard needs to be cleared - I have a lot of fat quarters to iron for the give away!

No. None of the fabrics here are a part of the prices.
But - you can see one of my ufo's there - on the top.
And that is all I'll reveal;-)

6 kommentarer:

Bits of Stitching! sagde ...

Organizing craft/hobby related items gives great satisfaction. I know it could be lots of work... I've been there myself, however, sooo worth it. Once everything is in place motivation and inspiration strikes ;-).

Rosa sagde ...

You are so right. Despite the mess it is very satisfactory to clean up and organize.
I'm moving my sewing area from the bedroom to my livingroom, so I will have to take care that it looks good and neat. It takes a lot of time though - I'm not a very fast organizer - too easily distracted, I'm afraid ;-)

Grete sagde ...

I think I will join your " different" give away! A funny idea! If you need some ideas of how to organize your seewing room, take a look at my blog, and scroll down to "etiketter - syrommet mitt" and you will see how I got- not all, but some of my fabric organized, and also good places for cutting, ironing and sewing!
I'm looking forward to see your UFOes!

Rosa sagde ...

Grete - you are so welcome! A real trooper!
Love people who are willing to "work" for a secret prize ;-))

I will definately go see your organizing ideas. This sew-in-my-livingroom-project is a bit out of my comfort zone, so I need lots of inspiration.
See you tomorrow:-)

Karen sagde ...

what a task you have set yourself here!

Rosa sagde ...

Karen, I really, really need to finish s.o.m.e.t.h.i.n.g.
And I've tried to not be tooo ambitious - one finished quilt before summer should be manageable, even for me;-)
(and you will not believe the screams of joy that'll be coming from here when I'm done *lol*)