april 06, 2012

Stitching bread

There is so much you can do - if you set your mind to it.
There is also a lot you can't do - or should not do unless of course if you have to.
Really, really HAVE to.

It's all about being creative and thinking outside the box.

Quilters and knitters go crazy sometimes - we know that:-)

Embroideres do the same:

Embroidered on Wonderbread link
 This photo of a small Easter chicken and others I found here.
And would you know - the blogger has slices of embroidered bread that is four (4) years old!!!!

Happy Crazy Easter!

3 kommentarer:

Grete sagde ...

Jeg er nå glad jeg har stoff til å brodere på.... Det er liksom litt lettere å sette inn i rammer og større sammenhenger enn ei brødskive. Men kreativt å komme på ideen!

Karen sagde ...

embroidery on bread??? That's certainly original....

Rosa sagde ...

This really makes you think about all the different kinds of materials you could stitch on!

I have a pair of rather boring rubber gloves... could make cleaning a bit more fun *g*