maj 23, 2012

NQT 2012

Winning quilt "Pappas Väg 1920-2011" by Sirpa Mettänen


"Nät" by Marita Lappaleinen

I really really liked this quilt - if it is a quilt? The texture of the coarse fabric is wonderful and very diverse up close. I could SO make something like this as a roomdivider;-)


"X och Y på vej" by Ulla Söderstedt (SE) 

Great, funny quilt following this year's theme "On the/my way"

Detail - Who's first??

"Halvvägs genom ishavet" by Zeljka Celegin (SE)

 One of many quilts with a striking 3-dimentional effect.


"På vej..." by Kirsten Larsen (DK)
 This quilt made me laugh a lot. It is probably sunday morning and the husband in his pyjama is letting the cat out....

Detail - (blurry photo) of half a cat!!! It looked really, really weird and a bit creepy!

Swan by Sønderjysk Quiltetrekant (DK)
 Another quilt with a lot of texture and 3-dimensional effects

Real eggshells and feathers on the quilt

"Två Läckerheter i Bersån" by Britt-Inger Jönsson (SE)

Gorgeous naked woman (and cake!) in the garden:-))

"I min trädgård" by Eva Nelander Juntunen

This is not at all my style. No matter how many spiders or snakes it is still too 'cute' for me... but look at the details. So much work!!!!

Detail - with snake, spider and a lot of beadwork and handembroidered.

"Ud i det fri" by Gruppe K 14 v (DK)
 Of all the wallquilts this was my favorite. All the details are made with a lot of humour and when a wall quilt can make me smile, I like it:-)

Look at him! Hilarious!


4 kommentarer:

Janine @ Rainbow Hare sagde ...

What an amazing collection! I love the fish! Some of these really take sewing into another dimension :)

patch 9 sagde ...

Du har virkelig ramt, nogen af de bedste quilts, der var, kun mangler jeg Alice Frost´s billeder.
Hilsen Esther

Rosa sagde ...

Tak Esther. Selv om jeg ikke ejer en eneste kunstnerisk åre og heller ikke er så vild med "klude på væggen" så er det jo helt fantastiske arbejder.
Jeg tog mange flere billeder men jeg har ikke nogle af Alice Frost. Jeg vil se om jeg kan finde noget af hende på nettet:-)

PS: Ved du godt at du er no-reply blogger? Man kan ikke skrive til dig (kun svare dig her), da din e-mail adresse ikke står på bloggen :-)

Bente-I like to QuiltBlog sagde ...

Hej Rosa,
tak for billederne, nogle af synes jeg er interessante andre er bare saa flotte, smag og behag ☺
Men én ting er sikkert, de er alle flotte og velgjorte haandarbejder.