juni 21, 2012

Sticks and dots

Summer is finally here after days of rain and cloudy dark weather.

In between a lot of small cleaning projects and staying outside as much as possible improvisations pop up and I play a little.

There are bags to be practised for the swap when the frames arrive from the shop and a major quilt project is being planned.

The Portuguese whitework is being lined with silk embroidered with french knots and should very soon turn into a small pouch for my pearls. I'm also dabbing a bit on some very old linen and making a baking cloth embroidered with some cuteness. My crewel projects also gets attention on a regular basis.

I'm very well aware that my UFO's are stalling but I'm not going to quilt anything - I finally gave in and realised that I really need a new sewing machine - one with feed dogs that can be lowered and a Walking Foot.
I need to drag myself into the 21st century, pamper my self and for once get that wallet out of its dark place and let go of the savings.

Summer holidays - which for me means travelling abroad - are therefore suspended - instead I'll treat my self to a trip to London in October, where I have booked some small crewel lessons with the super talented Philippa Turnbull from Crewelwork.
I can live with that. Ohhh yes I can!

So - summer at home in Copenhagen - what to do?

HAHA - pack you bag, sister - and get on that bus, that train or that bike - this city is packed with fun stuff to do.

I'll do that:-))

.. and keep playing..........

Dots on a stick

Ahh... ;-)

6 kommentarer:

Rachel sagde ...

Sometimes being a tourist where you live is almost more fun than going somewhere else - enjoy your summer!

Deborah sagde ...

Your dots on a stick is so fun!! Looks like you will have a fun summer!

Grete sagde ...

Ligger an til hjemmesommer her også! Å bytte bort EN sommer mot en ny symaskin, høres veldig greit ut, spør du meg! Tenk hvor mye morsomt du kan ha hele høsten og vinteren med å quilte alle dine UFOer! Jeg er altså så spent på å se dem ferdige.....
Og så kurs til høsten! Høres spennende ut!
Også spent på å se hva alle de små dotsene og de ensfarga stoffene skal bli!

Sana Saroti sagde ...

That looks very cool already.
Unfortunately the good weather hasnt reached Germany, yet :-( Still rainy and cold.
I totally hear you about the sewing machine. I need a nicer one. Quilting would be really hard with mine. Are you thinking about a certain one?

cauchy09 sagde ...

such lovely color choices! good luck!

Janine @ Rainbow Hare sagde ...

Your dots and sticks are fun! Have a nice time :)