februar 15, 2012

I am a thief

There are so many very, very skilled and competent artists out there - and then there is me.
And maybe you and fifty millions more who are nothing more than happy amateurs.

We are not supertalented, gifted artists, we can't paint or draw (but we did take classes, right?) or make up great patterns or uniqe things for the world to admire. We are just not artistic that way, we'll never experience fame, write books or make a living from our kind of creativity. 

We are merely simple happy thieves who steal from everywhere and anyone - ideas from pictures and patterns published online or from magazines or from other peoples creations and then we use our small-scale creativity to make these things our own. We twist it a bit, ad another color, subtract an inch - change a bit here and there. This is our ceativity, our small artistic gift and it is ok. Totally okay.

And we - the happy thieves - are content because we enjoy the process and the feelings it gives us to create this way, to make something that we like and maybe feel passionate about.. And we feel secure in the process because we have seen it before, we are in good company, we are followers, it is safe - we cannot go too wrong. Someone else, the artist, has already figured it all out for us - all we have to do is follow instruction and add our own personal twist - which for many of us can be an overwhelming obstacle and quite scary.
We have a feeling of contentment when we sew, knit, crochet, embroider or quilt, maybe even fulfilment but definately af feeling of accomplishment when things work out and we can smile or even shout out loud because what we began ended up a success. It looks almost or exactly like the pattern we bought or the idea or project we saw someone else do - with our own little personal twist.
And it is all legal. Totally acceptable and normal. If we're lucky our spouse will be proud of us, the kiddos jump up and down in exitement and our friends and neighbors be amazed and positively surprised of our skills.

no known source
But sometimes.... sometimes there are ideas and things that should not be stolen and (re)made by any one of all us not-so-artistic thieves. Some things are just not worth it.
Some things are just not useful or practical..
Some things are just not logical. At all!

So - leave those things to the artists. The real ones :-)

(Thank God things like that can be put away in the loo!)

4 kommentarer:

Helle Sejten sagde ...

LOOOL...I´m a thief too - but the toilet tissue paper ind a knitten form...thats design for sure :-) Oh my God. Thanks for a insightsfull post *s*

Rosa sagde ...

I will NEVER crochet toiletpaper!
This is sooo weird (and funny!)

Karen sagde ...

I love the toilet paper!! I would never let anyone use it though....

Rosa sagde ...

I'm not going to think about using it.
Or the next step: washing it.

I think the idea behind it was created by a man.