It still looks good;-)
I can't say the same about my crewelpracticepiecesamplerthing...
I'm trying, I really am.
I need to get down from a certain high horse - I had this thought, that oh well... how hard can it be?
HA! It's hard. And difficult. And sometimes sooo frustrating.
Which by the way fuels me immensely.
I'm very stubborn that way;-)
So - I lay my humble progress out for the world to see:
This is the pattern that I'm supposed to follow.
Here I've started on the large flower. The shading is actually fun although I did it wrong. I did not get that when you make the darker, inner shade you have to work the needle up through the outer strands.
I worked from the top down, which makes a difference, that I'm not able to quite see or understand. Yet.
Then there is the blue pinwheel. Oh boy. It looks very sort of 'tight' to me. But it is supposed to cover the printet circle on the fabric, so I kept going. Somehow I think it needs to be looser, more sort of casual.
The acorns were fun to do. I had to rip out all the first many french knots - I'll have to read the instructions better. They needed two strands of yarn and although it is not that good-looking it gives much more definition. They are tricky those french knots - you never quite know where they will turn - making a straight line in the right acorn was a struggle that I lost.
Another struggle is the chain stitch. They are okay when I do straight lines, but there are a LOT of curves in the leaves and I find it difficult to make the turns look smooth and keep the same lenght of the stitches.
I don't think I'll make 3 rows of them - two will have to do.
It is quite scary to look at the pictures all blown up *lol*
Oh well... I have to take a break from the crewel now.
It's time to Swoon ;-)
4 kommentarer:
Hvad er galt Rosa ? Har du set broderiet, som er på billedet tæt på, så tæt, som du selv har taget dit billede. Papir er taknemmeligt, så hvis du tog billede af dit eget broderi på samme afstand, hvordan ser det så ud ????
Men ellers ja, fladstingsbroderi er svært og franske knuder, men øvelse gør mester. Du laver så mange andre fine ting, du kan også lave broderiet flot.
Hilsen Esther
Esther, jeg er blevet meget optaget af det her jacobæiske crewel. Der er virkelig mange typer sting at lære og der er ret faste regler for hvordan de skal laves. Jeg har nogle bøger at lære fra, så det jeg gør at at dokumentere hvad jeg har lavet og især hvad jeg har fundet ud af at jeg har gjort forkert.
Jeg øver mig ret meget i øjeblikket på ca 20 forskellige sting, da jeg har planer om at tage et kursus i Crewel i London på Royal School of Needlework.
Jeg må jo nok også erkende, at min leddegigt ikke er så vild med at quilte så meget mere, så det har været dejligt at finde den her type broderi. Og så kan jeg godt li' at gøre tingene rigtigt.
Tak for din kommentar - det luner:-)
Your making fine progress on this crewel project! Love that pinwheel flower and the acorns!
I'm quite in love with the acorns myself:-)
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