I want to be happy too!
So last night I pulled out some of that 30'ies fabric that I've had for years - and that I don't like anymore.
At least that's what I've been telling myself now for a long time.
It is way too cute and really don't go with my personality (!) or with anything else in my home. I am per definition and as a rule absolutely allergic to cuteness.
I'm a whimp.
This is beyond cute and I now have a serious allergy attack.
Who would have thought that hate-fabric could turn into something so so so so... aughhhh CUTE!
Tutorial here and other cute blocks found here at Hill Valley Quilter who makes übercute squares!
And really vibrant squares at Simply Miss Luella!
6 kommentarer:
Noen ganger blir man overrasket-positivt! Sammensetningen av "håpløse" stoff kan gi de fineste resultat, som din blokk! Og tenk på teppet jeg laget med stoffene jeg fikk fra deg, en utfordring for meg, men jeg har blitt så glad i det teppet!
Sew on-be happy!
Oh!! I love your block! I thought I was allergic to cuteness...but I am totally sucked into it now!!
Yup. it is cute. Trigger my allergy, love/hate relationship with cute! However, luckily this is cute, but not cutesy, so you can enjoy it a bit!
Hahaha....is'nt it funny when we discover that other side of us! Deep down you are a fan of cute I suspect.
Oh yes, it really is cute. And you love it!
I just found your blog through a flicker group and i must say that I love you. You are cracking me up. I love everything that you are doing and I want to be your new best friend, or follower. I love what you did with your fusion blanket, I think I am going to add batting to mine also. Have a great day.
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