august 01, 2012

July status

This July has been a good month - I've been really productive and made good progress on several projects.

First of all the blanket for my Dad is almost finished.

I need to make another 25 squares which will only take a couple of days to do.
I really like this project, it is fast and very fun.

A block for Jeanne at Grey Cats Quilts for her month in the Scappy? Sew Bee It group. Those giraffes are so fun!

American quilt block

I made 7 blocks for My American Quilt. The center 9-patches are hand pieced and some of the scraps are gifts from American blogging friends. Its a great scrapbusting project!

I finished 27 crocheted flowers and have 30 half done for the flowerbed project! Great project when watching the Olympics:-) .... but one of those projects that I have absolutely no idea about what to do with!
Its just so relaxing, cute and eats a lot of my old yarn:-)

I dug out these super old squares - cut in 6x6 centimeters (they are from waaay back - when I denied that I ever would succomb to that nonsense sewing anything in inches... hahaha!!!!) - and I made 29 blocks. I have enough squares left to make another 15 blocks.
They will be super for quilt practising as they do not fit with anything I have now:-)

I handpieced 16 hexagon flowers in my Hope Valley fabric for the Hexi MF quilt along

2 huge blocks for the Tetris quilt went through the machine quick and easy and was photographed taped to my frontdor....

... and I cut 2½" squares of a lot of old and ugly fabric - and made 9 blocks for the Vomit quilt - more or less done chain piecing and as leaders and enders.
I am determined to kill as much of my ugly and old fabric as I can and these blocks do make a dent although I suspect that I have scraps enough for at least three more quilts of this kind.
But it is easy to do - some mindless sewing - and very addictive when you put them up on your design wall and discover that it actually looks good!

I knitted 1 square of variagated Zauberball yarn for my shawl

And last but not least - I learned a new skill - how to make framed purses and participated in a secret partner swap, which was very fun:-)

Despite whining for a week about a nasty cold and not realising that I actually made a lot in between and also being away for a week I'm absolutely thrilled about this month's status!

So go away bad consciense - today I'm beginning my new project with The Lazy Bums!

August will be dedicated to finishing my dad's quilt and an old UFO and maybe throw in a few hexies and vomit blocks.

Who knows - the summer may turn up eventually and I may finally order that new sewing machine.
Miracles do happen!!

edit: Every first day of the month Lynne from Lily's Quilts hosts Fresh Sewing Day showing the previous month's work and I'm linking up for the very first time in the small blogs category.

16 kommentarer:

cauchy09 sagde ...

wow, lots of lovely happy colorful things going on! have a great August!

Carla sagde ...

You sure did a lot! Everything looks lovely. The hexagons are gorgeous : )

Deborah sagde ...

You have been very busy! Love all of it ....your crochet flowers really caught my eye!

Edny sine puslerier sagde ...

Så mye du har på gang, og så fint det er! Jeg er imponert!

Grete sagde ...

Du verden, for en aktiv måned! Så mye fint på gang. Deilig å få brukt opp en del stoffer som er "ukurante" også. Jeg driver også med det....

Wendy sagde ...

You have made so much! Wow. Those crochet flowers are just gorgeous

Rachel sagde ...

It has been a great month - well done!

Lucy | Charm About You sagde ...

Rosa you have so much going on!! The blocks all look great and those crocheted flowers are beyond amazing! I love them :)

Karen sagde ...

Rosa you have been busy. I hope you feel better now too. I was so happy to hear from you. I have been awful at blog visiting very busy. I absolutely love the blanket you are making for your dad....

Bente-I like to QuiltBlog sagde ...

Hej Rosa,
det er da utroligt hvor meget du har lavet, meget interessante og flotte projekter!

Muv sagde ...

Hello Rosa,

I've just popped over from Lily's quilts. You do beautiful work - such lovely fresh colours!

Love Muv

Susan C. sagde ...

Hello Rosa, I found you through the lily quilt link up. You sound as distracted as me with all your projects on the go. I too have crochet, old blocks, a desire to do hexagons and there something in the air?
Well it was nice to meet you, I hope to keep in touch and see you finish those works in progress.

Anita sagde ...

På besøk fra Lily's quilts. Du har veldig mange fine prosjekter!

Mack and Mabel sagde ...

Hi Rosa,
I've found you through the New Blog Meet on Lilys Quilts.
I love that you also knit and embroider as well as quilt. You have made some wonderful things :)

Cynthia@wabisabiquilts sagde ...
Denne kommentar er fjernet af en blogadministrator.
Cynthia@wabisabiquilts sagde ...

I found your blog on Lily's Quilts. I look forward to seeing more of your blog! Cynthia