februar 25, 2012


For some time I've tried to kill a lot of my uglyuglyugly and oldoldold fabric by turning it into scappy pinwheels.
They are supposed to be 3" square and those that do not messure up I cut down to 2".


According to my scappy-hero-quilter of all times, Bonnie Hunter - there is no such thing as ugly fabric.
"Cut it smaller" is one of her good advices. Apparently the uglyness dissapears in the US - i doubt it counts here in my home *lol*. Those buggers of mine cannot be smaller - or they'll turn to dust;-)

I'm quite excited about my photos these days - if I may say so:-)
I never expected my small camera to get this close and take such clear photos.

However you see EVERYTHING - including non-matching points én masse.
Now I know that I also need a new cutting mat - it really is worn out!!

Huhh... I DID iron those. I did!!!
I'll have to steam the life out of them!

They take a lot of time. Tons of squaring up and ironing. And it is boring. And not so exiting - the pinwheels are actually not that good-looking, so I'll have to come up with some "pop" and "zing" to add to it or I'm afraid the whole thing will be forgotten in some drawer.

Also they are not that well made. The points match about 50% which is way below my usual standard. They are simply too small for my arthritic hands to sew, too difficult to fiddle with in the machine. They may not become a quilt - but now I have realized this - and all lessons are welcome.
Including the 'hard' ones.
No more small quilty things in the machine.
Done with that:-)

4 kommentarer:

patch 9 sagde ...

En superide til scraps, tak for den og navnet.Er spændt på hvad du ender op med at gøre ?
Det var lækre broderibøger du reddede dig.
Tak for dit svar, med broderiet. Jeg har aldrig prøvet den type broderi.
Hilsen Esther

Rosa sagde ...

Esther, jeg er også lidt spændt på det her projekt. Jeg skal ha' tilføjet noget mere 'pang' på en eller anden måde, evt. lave ens blokke, som så bliver syet sammen med tre andre i en 4-blok. Det vil sikkert gi' noget ro over hele quilten når den bliver samlet.
Men - der er lang vej endnu og plads til mange flere ideér:-)

Wendy sagde ...

Some of those fabrics are gorgeous! I think it'll look great when it's done

Rosa sagde ...

Thanks Wendy, I need a lot of encouragement on this one!!