april 05, 2012

Shading progress - Goodbye 1-stranded monster!

I'm still practicing shading using 1 strand of DMC floss. Very hard and rather intimidating.
What I've realised is that maybe... just MAYBE it would be a good (and sensible, sane and intelligent) idea to start practicing shading and other stitches with wool. Wool, that I now have SO much of. 
After all that is what I set out to do and need to practice. Crewel. With wool.

(I'm sooo smart and intelligent that it hurts!!!... dooohh)

Jeg øver mig stadig i 'shading' med 1 tråd DMC. Svært og lidt skræmmende - fordi det er så... småt!
Nu har jeg fået den brilliante ide, at det måske... MÅSKE var en god og fornuftig og ikke mindst intelligent idé at begynde at øve mig i 'shading' og andre broderisting med uld.Uld, som jeg har SÅ meget af.
Det er jo egentligt dét jeg vil lave og bør øve mig i. Crewel - med uld.

(jeg er så klog, så det gør ondt!!! - dooohh...)

It's really scary to watch all the imperfections this close. I need to get over it - if I'm going to get better at this I'll have to be able to examine what I do and this is actually a great way.
I am however looking around for a combined lamp and magnifyer - something I'm sure will be of great help later when I'm really going 'all in'.

I have not impressed myself. Yet. Hahaha! Of course I will some day - I need to believe that *grin*
In the meantime I intend to get serious and have a lot of 'wooly' fun :-))

Here it is finished. Which by the way is VERY impressing considering my huge amount of all kinds of UFO's:

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